"Un curcubeu are nevoie de culori, insa vezi culorile prin prisma unei foi negre. Acoperi orice vrei tu fara sa te departezi de ceea ce ai facut la inceput." (Xim)
duminică, 26 septembrie 2010
Dragostea mea
"Dragostea este efemera. Stii ca exista si este mai puternica decat orice lucru cu forma din aceasta lume, dar, totusi, nu poti sa o vezi. Te uiti in jur, spre cer, spre pamant, in orizonturi, nu o gasesti nicaieri. Iti doresti sa poti sa o atingi, dar ea dispare inainte sa poti sa ti-o imaginezi.
Aceasta este dragostea din lumea pe care oamenii o cunosc. Insa eu cunosc o alta lume, indepartata, distorsionata, in care totul este diferit.
In lumea aceasta, dragostea mea are maini cu care ma strange in brate.
Dragostea mea are picioare cu care alearga spre mine.
Dragostea mea are degete cu care se joaca prin parul meu.
Lumea mea prinde culori in fiecare zi si devine din ce in ce mai larga. Soarele straluceste mereu. O fi vara ? Eternitatea imi surade si ma priveste cum ma bucur in fiecare clipa. Atunci cand zorii se apropie, ma cutremur toata si fug departe, spre campurile aurite, apele albastre ca cerul, padurile verzi, iar in fundul lor, ma asteapta dragostea.
Dragostea mea are ochi cu care sa ma priveasca.
Dragostea mea are buze cu care sa imi zambeasca.
Dragostea mea are gura cu care sa ma sarute.
Dragostea mea..."
joi, 23 septembrie 2010
99 things about you
1. Senko is evil and she will always be.
2. She has a pretty room with lots of posters and white and red furniture.
3. She's afraid of bugs.
4. She likes Ice-Cream.
5. Her favourites flowers are Irises (especially white ones).
6. She adores Vans.
7. She has a teddy bear whom she loves very much (it's ugly though).
8. Her best friend is Xim.
9. Her sister is Hachi.
10. Her "suffering-sisters" are Roxanne and July.
11. Senko is not a woman in love because she is not a woman.
12. She likes swimming.
13. She likes the number 13.
14. She likes cats (especially black ones).
15. She wants to study Architecture.
16. She is an independent teenager with hopes and dreams.
17. She is absent-minded, but she knows where is the limit to dreaming.
18. Her favorite country is Japan.
19. She can speak 5 languages (Romanian, English, German, Spanish, Japanese).
20. She likes Pepsi better than Cola.
21. Senko loves bear hugs, holding hands and cuddling.
22. Senko is a virgin for the next couple of years.
23. She likes to make friends, but "manele" is not on the list of friend choices.
24. She enjoys listening to Rock (different types, but only Rock).
25. She would eat all the boiled corn in the world.
26. Her favorite thing to do is laugh.
27. She hates the way she looks when she smiles, it feels weird to "wear" her teeth.
28. She likes to read books, especially Romance ones because she can dream about the perfect romance she wished to live.
29. She knows she will never live the perfect romance.
30. Her favorite color is black.
31. Senko worships Jashin-sama.
32. Senko spends a lot of time on Facebook.
33. She dreams at night of herself and at day of him.
34. She enjoys watching films, especially Comedies.
35. She has an MP3 Player of the size of a rock (really small one).
36. Likes Blogspot.
37. Senko likes to write novels and dream about love.
38. She loves love.
39. She hates betrayal and cheating.
40. Has nightmares of betrayal and cheating.
41. Senko's real name is Ioana.
42. Senko likes Gaara.
43. She has a poster from the Guns N' Roses Tour 2010 on the back of her room door.
44. She likes to paint her nail black.
45. Her absolute and favorite color is Black.
46. She likes English better than Romanian.
47. She is a huge Anime fan.
47. She is a huge Manga fan.
48. She likes the word "chestie" (and finds it funny, too).
49. She'd rather choose ">" than "<".
50. She likes Plushies.
51. Senko is funny (or so she believes).
52. She has 3 personalities.
53. She can be moe, tsundere and yandere (because she has 3 personalities, duh !).
54. She likes fans.
55. She likes to cook, but can only make pizza and omelette.
56. She hates to be lied to.
57. Her aspirations ? Many, but she doesn't know all of them.
58. She is one of the few persons of her kind in this world (see Xim and Hachi).
59. She would like for once to fall asleep when she goes to bed.
60. Senko plays the piano.
61. She would like to play the guitar, but she knows she can't do it.
62. She likes to play Guitar Hero.
63. The ceiling in Senko's room has stars on it.
64. She likes the Full Moon.
65. Her alarm tone in the morning is "The Price of Freedom" from Final Fantasy.
66. Her ringtone is "She is my Sin" from Nightwish.
67. She loves singing.
68. She thinks she is crazy (and everybody agrees with her).
69. There are 4 persons who have ever told her they love her (and she is very proud of it).
70. Senko has brown hair and hazel eyes.
71. Senko would like to have red hair and grey eyes.
72. She doesn't like to write poems.
73. Her favorite thing to do is write prose.
74. She likes the number 74.
75. Senko's nickname is Senko.
76. She thinks the sky would look better red.
77. She hates to look at the syringe when someone takes her blood.
78. This list bores the Hell out of her.
79. She likes cupcakes.
80. She would eat chocolate ice-cream all day long.
81. She would eat tons of pistachio ice-cream.
82. Her pillow is big.
83. She hates the word "sclav".
84. She hates the word "balcoane" (since June, 2010).
85. Her birthday is on 16th July.
86. She is a Hell proud of a Cancer (and thinks that someday, Cancers will rule the world).
87. She holds the day of 4th July very dear.
88. She always forgets to say "Yes" is someone asks her if she holds dear the day of 5th February.
89. She thinks she is going to die soon after 88.
90. Senko is happy she is getting close to the end.
91. She doesn't think love is a phase, love is something we always have, even though we don't realize.
92. She would like the Summer to be eternal.
93. She likes laughing and making jokes.
94. Likes Facebook.
95. Senko knows everything.
96. Senko doesn't know how to express her feelings.
97. Senko could talk hours about life.
98. Senko is short.
99. Senko is Senko.
2. She has a pretty room with lots of posters and white and red furniture.
3. She's afraid of bugs.
4. She likes Ice-Cream.
5. Her favourites flowers are Irises (especially white ones).
6. She adores Vans.
7. She has a teddy bear whom she loves very much (it's ugly though).
8. Her best friend is Xim.
9. Her sister is Hachi.
10. Her "suffering-sisters" are Roxanne and July.
11. Senko is not a woman in love because she is not a woman.
12. She likes swimming.
13. She likes the number 13.
14. She likes cats (especially black ones).
15. She wants to study Architecture.
16. She is an independent teenager with hopes and dreams.
17. She is absent-minded, but she knows where is the limit to dreaming.
18. Her favorite country is Japan.
19. She can speak 5 languages (Romanian, English, German, Spanish, Japanese).
20. She likes Pepsi better than Cola.
21. Senko loves bear hugs, holding hands and cuddling.
22. Senko is a virgin for the next couple of years.
23. She likes to make friends, but "manele" is not on the list of friend choices.
24. She enjoys listening to Rock (different types, but only Rock).
25. She would eat all the boiled corn in the world.
26. Her favorite thing to do is laugh.
27. She hates the way she looks when she smiles, it feels weird to "wear" her teeth.
28. She likes to read books, especially Romance ones because she can dream about the perfect romance she wished to live.
29. She knows she will never live the perfect romance.
30. Her favorite color is black.
31. Senko worships Jashin-sama.
32. Senko spends a lot of time on Facebook.
33. She dreams at night of herself and at day of him.
34. She enjoys watching films, especially Comedies.
35. She has an MP3 Player of the size of a rock (really small one).
36. Likes Blogspot.
37. Senko likes to write novels and dream about love.
38. She loves love.
39. She hates betrayal and cheating.
40. Has nightmares of betrayal and cheating.
41. Senko's real name is Ioana.
42. Senko likes Gaara.
43. She has a poster from the Guns N' Roses Tour 2010 on the back of her room door.
44. She likes to paint her nail black.
45. Her absolute and favorite color is Black.
46. She likes English better than Romanian.
47. She is a huge Anime fan.
47. She is a huge Manga fan.
48. She likes the word "chestie" (and finds it funny, too).
49. She'd rather choose ">" than "<".
50. She likes Plushies.
51. Senko is funny (or so she believes).
52. She has 3 personalities.
53. She can be moe, tsundere and yandere (because she has 3 personalities, duh !).
54. She likes fans.
55. She likes to cook, but can only make pizza and omelette.
56. She hates to be lied to.
57. Her aspirations ? Many, but she doesn't know all of them.
58. She is one of the few persons of her kind in this world (see Xim and Hachi).
59. She would like for once to fall asleep when she goes to bed.
60. Senko plays the piano.
61. She would like to play the guitar, but she knows she can't do it.
62. She likes to play Guitar Hero.
63. The ceiling in Senko's room has stars on it.
64. She likes the Full Moon.
65. Her alarm tone in the morning is "The Price of Freedom" from Final Fantasy.
66. Her ringtone is "She is my Sin" from Nightwish.
67. She loves singing.
68. She thinks she is crazy (and everybody agrees with her).
69. There are 4 persons who have ever told her they love her (and she is very proud of it).
70. Senko has brown hair and hazel eyes.
71. Senko would like to have red hair and grey eyes.
72. She doesn't like to write poems.
73. Her favorite thing to do is write prose.
74. She likes the number 74.
75. Senko's nickname is Senko.
76. She thinks the sky would look better red.
77. She hates to look at the syringe when someone takes her blood.
78. This list bores the Hell out of her.
79. She likes cupcakes.
80. She would eat chocolate ice-cream all day long.
81. She would eat tons of pistachio ice-cream.
82. Her pillow is big.
83. She hates the word "sclav".
84. She hates the word "balcoane" (since June, 2010).
85. Her birthday is on 16th July.
86. She is a Hell proud of a Cancer (and thinks that someday, Cancers will rule the world).
87. She holds the day of 4th July very dear.
88. She always forgets to say "Yes" is someone asks her if she holds dear the day of 5th February.
89. She thinks she is going to die soon after 88.
90. Senko is happy she is getting close to the end.
91. She doesn't think love is a phase, love is something we always have, even though we don't realize.
92. She would like the Summer to be eternal.
93. She likes laughing and making jokes.
94. Likes Facebook.
95. Senko knows everything.
96. Senko doesn't know how to express her feelings.
97. Senko could talk hours about life.
98. Senko is short.
99. Senko is Senko.
vineri, 17 septembrie 2010
Cum vad eu lumea
"Lumea mea are un fond negru, pe care se zaresc pete mari si mici de culoare. Intr-un colt, in zona trasaturilor de caracter, am un curcubeu, dar culorile lui sunt alb, galben, rosu, violet, albastru, gri si negru. Curcubeul meu este negru.
In latura cea opusa, cea a sentimentelor, am un boboc de trandafir. El, cu petalele rosii si frunzele negre, e ca o floare insangerata. Inca nu a inflorit, nu si-a aratat potentialul cu totul, dar eu, udandu-l zilnic cu zambete si amintiri, il ajut sa creasca. Vrei sa ma ajuti ?
Plansa mea de hartie, in care desenez mintea mea, are forme geometrice, perne moi, note muzicale si fel si fel de lucruri pe care umanitatea inca nu le intelege. Evident, eu le inteleg, pentru ca sunt ale mele, dar inca nu reusesc sa le explic in cuvinte.
Pe firul gandurilor mele merge un paianjen, mic si negru, cu ochi mari si rosii stralucind in intuneric. Se opreste din cand in cand si isi teasa un alt fir de panza, pe care il lasa sa cada, apoi isi continua drumul. Am incercat sa iau acest paianjen in mana si el a fugit, probabil s-a speriat de fata mea atat de alba.
Acolo, insa, unde stau eu in general, este o scena. Asezata pe ea, in mijloc, urmaresc fel si fel de actori cum se invart in jurul meu, vorbesc cu mine, isi citesc rolurile si unii dintre ei incearca sa inteleaga ce spune de fapt scenariul. Unii reusesc sa fie atenti la drumul lor si sa joace totul cu bine ; altii, mai putin norocosi, nu se uita pe unde emrg si cad de pe scena.
Eu stau in mijloc si privesc. In fata mea vad un fond negru si pete mari si mici de culori. In brate tin o plansa de hartie pe care sunt desenate fel si fel de lucruri ciudate. Deasupra mea, un paianjen isi tese panza, urmandu-si drumul. Vad un curcubeu in departare. Vad un trandafir inflorind. Tin in mana scenariul destinului meu."
luni, 13 septembrie 2010
In Paradis
"...visez uneori ca e vara.
Eu, imbracata intr-o rochie ruginie de matase, cu picioarele dezgolite si albe, ma plimb pe un camp cu holde aurii. Pot sa simt sub talpi pamantul tare si usor maruntit de puterea furtunilor verii, iar totul este magic. Vantul adie usor, iar spicele de grau se unduiesc usor sub atingerea bratelor efemere ale verii. Imi trec mana pe deasupra lor si le aplec, zambind un zambet inocent, de copil.
Eu, intinsa pe pamantul uscat si fierbinte, cuprinsa de arsita verii, imi ridic mana alba ca de fildes spre cer, incercand sa prind soarele stralucitor in mana. Vantul adie si imi ciufuleste parul, iar eu rad, un ras copilaresc si lipsit de orice vinovatie. Pe campul cel auriu si infierbantat al verii, ma simt ca un copil din nou.
Rochia mea ruginie flutura in bataia brizei, razele soarelui se reflecta pe mana mea alba si, de jos, par flacari mistuitoare ce incearca sa cuprinda fiinta mea.
Iar atunci...
Tu, cu zambetul tau ce imi lumineaza ziua mai mult ca soarele, imbracat in alb, vii si imi prinzi mana si mi-o strangi cu putere, si nu ii mai dai niciodata drumul.
In visul meu, e Paradisul..."
joi, 9 septembrie 2010
Sfarsituri de eternitati
"Privesc lumea uneori. Acum ca a venit toamna, imi pare ca totul e mai trist dintr-odata, nu stiu nici eu de ce, sau poate stiu si nu imi dau seama. Afara e din ce in ce mai frig. De ce oare ?
Privind in urma, vara a fost mereu anotimpul meu preferat. Soarele puternic, caldura, zilele libere de vacanta, totul te indeamna sa fii fericit. Si esti fericit, asta daca sufletul nu iti pune in cale obstacole. Vara mea a fost una fericita, cu mici incidente, dar epste care am trecut. Am zambit, am alergat, am ras, m-am distrat.
E ciudat. Acum ca a venit toamna, parca starea mea este diferita, fara niciun motiv, sau poate cu motiv. Nu stiu. Stiu ca ma cuprinde tristetea si, privind lumea din jurul meu, mi se pare ca nu sunt singura trista. Pune stapanire pe mine o nostalgie profunda, cu un gust dulce-amarui, care ma trage in jos, inecandu-ma in melancolie.
In timpuri precum acestea, singura in camera mea, privind cerul cenusiu de afara, frunzele colorate, dar care nu mai stau agatate de copaci, lipsa de miscare, imi dau seama ca probabil acesta este sfarsitul. Pentru ca, vrem sau nu, totul are un sfarsit al lui.
Toamna este sfarsitul naturii.
Dar mai exista sfarsituri si in momente fericite, sfarsituri de seri petrecute cum nu au mai fost inainte, sfarsitul unei iubiri, sfarsitul unei vacante, poate chiar sfarsitul unei vieti. Toamna mi se pare un moment propice pentru asa ceva. Evident, privesc lucrurile subiectiv. Sau era obiectiv ?
Oricum, uitandu-ma imprejur, nu mi se pare ciudat sa vad asta la oamenii care trec pe strada fara sa ma vada, oamenii care ma vad si ma saluta, oamenii care ma viziteaza, care ma suna. Este un lucru normal. Dar ceea ce mi s-ar parea total lipsit de sens si de normalitate ar fi existenta unor sfarsituri pentru mine. Eu nu vreau ca lucrurile bune din viata mea sa se termine.
Sunt egoista, dar vreau ca momentele fericite, serile pline de distractie, iubirile, vacanta, viata sa fie eterne. Vreau ca vara sa fie eterna. Mi-e dor de eternitate..."
vineri, 3 septembrie 2010
Vara aceasta
"...lucrurile toate imi par indepartate acum. A venit toamna. Nu stiu de ce, sau poate stiu, dar eu ma intristez. Toamna e melancolica, in paleta ei vasta de culori calde, ne incanta privirile si ne ingheata simturile. E din ce in ce mai frig...
De ce oare se spune ca iarna este anotimpul sfarsiturilor ? Cand suntem atat de ocupati sa admiram zapada, frumusetea naturii moarte care, sub stratul alb, pare vie din nou, incat nu observam cat de tristi ar trebui sa fim ? Toamna, in schimb, inseamna moartea naturii.
Pentru mine, inceputul toamnei inseamna sfarsitul verii, iar toate intamplarile de vara aceasta devin amintiri, din ce in ce mai indepartate si fade, pana cand ajungem sa realizam ca ne-am despartit de ele. Si ne intristam.
Pentru mine, vara aceasta a insemnat memorii pretioase si minunate, de care m-am atasat. Vara aceasta, am fost mai fericita ca niciodata, m-am distrat cum numai eu stiu, am cunoscut persoane noi si persoane vechi le-am reintalnit doar pentru a descoperi ca niciodata nu cunosti pe cineva destul de mult.
Intr-adevar, peste ani, probabil, imi voi aminti vara aceasta ca una dintre cele mai scumpe si dragi memorii, pentru ca am ras, m-am distrat, am fost trista, am plans, am facut tot ceea ce nu putusem sa fac inainte si... am intrat la liceu.
Toamna a venit deja, dar eu nu vreau sa ma intristez acum. Zambesc doar prin amintiri, pentru ca fara amintiri, un om este gol, nul, vid. Traim in prezent, visam la viitor, dar intotdeauna suntem ceea ce suntem datorita trecutului.
Vara aceasta, am descoperit o parte din mine pe care inainte nu o cunosteam, am crescut sau nu, dar vad lucrurile altfel. Acum imi dau seama ca niciodata nu trebuie sa spui niciodata, pentru ca totdeauna te inseli atunci cand esti prea sigur pe tine.
Eu am spus "niciodata" si m-am inselat.
Dar ma bucur, pentru ca altfel, azi nu aveam ce am acum."
miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010
Odata cu...
"E toamna si e seara.
Poate ca doar frunzele cafenii, poate doar ele zboara si fosnesc in aer. Vantul suiera. Poate doar el tulbura linistea serii. Oamenii... Oamenii au disparut. Niciun pas, nicio silueta intunecata in lumina artificiala a becurilor, totul e liniste. Pentru prima data, natura se odihneste.
Odata cu sfarsitul verii, toamna ne invaluie in mireasma ei dulce si amara de bucurie. Suntem fericiti cu totii, dar e acea fericire ce lasa un gust amar in urma, care ne face sa regretam.
Ne imbracam in parfumul serii si privim intunericul care ne pare atat de apropiat, dar, totusi, isi are salasul in cerul atat de indepartat. Greierii canta. Greierii ? Sa se bucure de ce mai au. Cand frigul vine, nimic nu poate sa ii stea in cale. Nici macar vara...
Odata cu sfarsitul lui august, toamna ne loveste cu toata tristetea ei. Suntem melancolici, dar acea melancolie dulce care ne aminteste de trecut si ne face sa zambim si sa suferim in acelasi timp.
Vantul suiera printre crengile incarcate cu frunze aurii, ca mierea. Pentru cat timp vor mai ramane ele acolo ? Nu mult, asta e sigur. In fata puterii toamnei, chiar si copacii se scutura si se dau din cale, lasand frunzele in urma.
Odata cu venirea toamnei, vara ne priveste cu melancolie si isi ia ramas-bun, sperand la un an urmator cat mai calduros si plin de buna dispozitie. Si noi, zambindu-i de asemenea, luam mana cea rece si ruginie a toamnei si ne indepartam, uitand sa facem cu mana.
A mai trecut un an. Trist sau nu, acesta este adevarul. Nu stiu de ce, dar toamna este trista si ea. Nu pentru ca i s-ar fi intamplat ceva care sa-i aduca pagube sau nenorociri, ci pentru ca asa e ea mereu, lipsita de fericirea calda a verii.
Odata cu inceputul lui septembrie, chiar si noi, cei mai mici si neinsemnati, ne dam seama ca sfarsitul e aproape. iar acum, in prag de toamna, privim inapoi si zambim - toate au fost amintiri frumoase. Natura, care moare treptat, a fost pentru noi casa si locul de joaca cel mai scump si drag dintre toate. Iar acum, cand trebuie sa ne luam ramas-bun, ne este permis sa plangem - va mai dura pana sa ne putem intoarce acasa."
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